Thursday, 26 November 2015



The hearts that once cared have vanished
Loved ones kidnapped, silenced and isolated
Gallant men and brave women annihilated
Youths slaughtered in their prime and dreams left unfulfilled
Children brainwashed, recruited and indoctrinated
To betray and turn their swords against their very kindred
We swim in this weird ocean of Indelible anguish
To make us absolutely livid at the dawn of a new era

Ambassadors of callousness, brutality and mayhem in our midst
Heralds of carnage clad in masks and hood equipped for suicide undertaking
Showing no respect for the wombs that bore and breasts that suckled you
Decorated perpetrators of atrocities beyond your comprehension
How dare you snatch that priceless piece our damsels preserved for years?
Smacking many hearts with your stained hands and sour saliva
Hypnotized in the compasses of invisible sponsors
The trauma in us has defied all Analgesics in the world

Psychosis let loose swinging your instruments of human impiety
 kra,ka,ka,ka,ka,ka,kriiiii gbum, gbum, gbum rattle and rent the sky
Heaps of lifeless and dismembered victims are witnesses
Explosions here, inferno there and walls plummet
The toils and sweat of many years lay in ruin
Communities reduced to rubble and sacred places desecrated
Our land suddenly metamorphosed to graveyard
How can the dead rest in peace?

Victory is neither in the slitting of defenceless throats
Nor the gruesome termination of vulnerable scholars
Escapees and few who survived the massacre
Render endless dirges in reminiscence of their missing kith and kin
Heads bent over kneels in endless meditations and mourning
Their tears may never dry but heroism echoes in their hearts
United with our men and women in uniforms the hydra is in flight

Firm, hopeful and stronger than before we remain.

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